Sunday, 10 February 2013


Meon plod .. will now go down as the only race I have quit !! Gutted beyond belief .. but .. this was the most grueling toughest hardest wettest coldest race I have ever done .. I have run in some tough races but by 11 miles I couldn't feel my hands or feet and even took refuge in a church (being a practicing atheist you can imagine how tough that is for me) .. Neal and I had such a great time up until then but the elements beat us .. we endured mud hills rain wind trips spills puddles rocks styles more mud more puddles .. but just couldn't reach the end .. thanks everyone for your sponsorship .. we gave 100% and we hope we haven't let you down .. people were literally dropping out with hypothermia .. next week is the pompey half marathon and the week after the heartbreaker marathon .. I WILL finish these .. even if I have to drag my cold lifeless limbs to the finish ..


  1. You're all winners because you got up and had a go - very proud, love you both
    Caroline x

  2. thinking about doing it again? For me it was a once in a lifetime thing. Not finishing was a totally rational thing to do - no shame.
